Recycling Program

We are recycling with TerraCycle® for an easy, free recycling program.

Simply send us any Weleda packaging not suitable for kerbside collection, and we'll take care of the rest. With TerraCycle® Beauty Zero Waste Box™, your packaging will be repurposed into new products.

How you can recycle

Reuse it

Reusing packaging, like our Skin Food Body Butter glass jar, is the best way to give packaging a new life!

Recycle it

Check out which products can be kerbside recycled below.

Return it to Weleda

Return non-kerbside recyclable packaging to Weleda FREE of charge, so we can recycle it for you (see how below).

Which packaging can be recycled kerbside, or returned to Weleda?

Please note: All lids, caps, droppers, pumps, sprays and rollers that aren't joined to the main container, must be removed before recycling kerbside - feel free to return these to Weleda

Kerbside Recycling

Return for free to Weleda



200ml Body Lotions and attached lids (leave lid open)
200ml baby skincare plastic bottles (excluding Baby Shampoo & Body Wash)
150ml Gentle Cleansing Foam
100ml Skin Food Ultra-Light Dry Oil
400ml and 750ml Shower Creams and Gels
Lip Balm tube (excluding lid)

All squeezy plastic tubes including moisturisers, eye cream, Skin Food, Skin Food Light, creams and gels
All roll-on deodorants 
Skin Food Lip Balm 
All 100ml, 150ml & 200ml Body Washes & Shampoo / Body Scrubs / Shower Gels / Creams
All Oral Sprays / Eye Drops / Nasal Spray
Any plastic lids / droppers / sprays / pumps



All glass containers, jars and bottles (with removable lids)




All aluminium tubes, containers, tubs and minis 


Cardboard and Paper


All recyclable


Non-recyclable - add to household rubbish bin

Sampling Sachets

Return your hard-to-recycle products in 3 easy steps!

Collect a minimum of 10 empty non-kerbside recyclable Weleda products. 

Pack them in a recyclable box weighing no more than 1kg and no larger than 30cm x 30cm x 27cm (or similar to equal 0.025cbm).

Write our FREEPOST address on the box:

Weleda NZ Packaging Returns
PO Box 8132
Havelock North 4157

…and drop it to your local Post Shop – easy!


Do I have to pay for return shipping?

No you don't - just use our FREEPOST address above.

Can I include packaging from other brands?

As we pay for this recycling service via TerraCycle, this offering is only available for Weleda product packaging at this stage.

What can I send?

If it is a Weleda Product you can send the packaging back to us. But if your council has a recycling program please recycle what you can in that program first and only send us what can't be recycled there.

How do I clean the tubes?

There is no need to wash your packaging before returning, however the packaging should be as empty as possible, i.e. excess product removed.

Can I drop off my empties to you?

Absolutely, we'd love to say hello! Feel free to grab all your friends' Weleda recycling and drop it off at our Retail Shop, Monday to Friday from 9am – 4.30pm at 302 Te Mata Road, Havelock North.

What happens to the packaging once it's returned to Weleda?

We have done due diligence with TerraCycle® as to what happens to the product packaging once we send it to them, as we want to ensure it actually gets recycled and doesn’t end up in landfill.

When we receive your empties, we check them and put them in our TerraCycle® Beauty Zero Waste Box™. Once full, we’ll then send your packaging to TerraCycle and all the components will be separated out and recycled, along with other beauty products, and resold to create new products. For example, metals can be made into springs, screws, metal sheeting and cans. Plastics can be made into piping, pallets, outdoor furniture and much more.

Are you working on any further recycling projects?

Although our packaging is mostly recyclable with increasing recycled content, we're committed to doing even better. Currently, some of the initiatives we're focusing on include:

  • Switching out hard to recycle plastics for more recyclable options such as recycled aluminium or recyclable plastic.
  • Finding a recyclable solution for our sampling sachets.