Together for soil and climate

Our soil is suffering. 33% of our soils are degraded - losing up to 10 million more hectares of healthy soil every year. An area almost the size of the North Island. With the loss of healthy soil, our food security, biodiversity and climate change mitigation, among other things, are drastically at risk.

Soil, just like our skin, is a living, breathing ecosystem. It is the living skin of our Earth. At Weleda we believe both, soil and skin are worth protecting and caring for.

Since 1921 we have been growing the plants used to make our iconic products using soil-friendly methods. We keep soil healthy and make it as biodiverse as possible by working with biodynamic farming principles and collaborating with regenerative farming projects around the world. Healthy soil is key to thriving ecosystems. Without it we cannot tackle the crisis nature faces today.


Together, making global transformation a reality today

In 2022, Weleda supported an additional 20 sustainable soil projects with a total of over $600,000 to take action against the global soil crisis.

New Zealand - Teaching Tamariki with Garden to Table

In 2021, more than 22,000 children, across 213 schools spent more than 30,000 hours in the garden and kitchen creating more than 800,000 vegetable-based meals. This year schools will get educational resources on soil health.

Australia - Guiding the way towards regenerative agriculture

We have been able to support the Australian organisation Carbon8 in accompanying farmers in their transition to regenerative agriculture, helping to kick-start soil conservation on a farm area of 35,000 ha.

France - Community Gardens in Paris

Together with the association La Sauge, we have been able to reconnect city dwellers with nature: Urban farms bring together local residents to garden together and drive the agro-ecological transformation of tomorrow - including the 4500 m² "Terre-Terre" farm.

South Korea - Pop-Up Store and Mindful Gardening Festival

Through our own pop-up store in one of Seoul's most popular neighbourhoods and participation in the Mindful Gardening Festival, we have promoted public awareness of soil, its functions, and its protection.

"According to forecasts, 90% of soils will be affected by progressive soil erosion by 2050 if we do not take immediate action."

What can we do to help?

Hear from Dr. Sc. Agr. Astrid Sprenger, Head of Weleda’s biggest medicinal plant garden in Germany.

Interview with Astrid Sprenger

By supporting Weleda, together, we take action for soil health.

By supporting Weleda, together, we take action for soil health.

  • 80% of all plant ingredients are organic

  • 40% of our plant ingredients will be biodynamic by 2025

  • Weleda gardens are cultivated using biodynamic principles

  • Sustainable supply chain management system

  • Our corporate footprint is carbon neutral (GHG Protocol Scope 1 & 2)

  • As B-Corp we actively work on a model for a sustainable economy


Here in New Zealand we have teamed up with Garden to Table . This amazing charitable organisation is educating our tamariki in schools about connection to the land, health and wellbeing through hands-on experience in the garden, growing their own food and learning to cook great food. In 2021 more than 22,000 children, across 213 schools took part in their program. They spent more than 30,000 hours in the garden and kitchen creating more than 800,000 vegetable based meals.

An area of education that Garden to Table is keen to expand on, is teaching children the importance of starting with healthy soil to grow the highest quality vegetables. We are partnering with them to create educational resources which will be used to teach children the importance of good soil health, how to build nutrient dense soils in their gardens and the positive impact looking after our soil can have on climate mitigation. These resources will be rolled out to schools from Term 1 in 2023.
“To care about something, you have to have a relationship with it”. And this partnership is all about building the relationship between the next generation and soil.

Did you know?

Did you know?

  • Soil, just like our skin, has a microbiome

  • One teaspoon of soil can hold more organisms than there are people on the planet

  • 50% of CO2 is bound in our soils. They are the largest CO2 reservoirs after the oceans

  • Every minute, 23 hectares of arable land are lost globally to drought and desertification

  • It can take up to 2,000 years for ten centimetres of soil to emerge naturally

Learn more

Solutions to improve soil health

Methods such as humus build-up, regenerative agriculture and carbon farming improve soil health. By activating and strengthening soil life, they also enhance soil fertility and biodiversity. That also benefits the climate.

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What does soil do for people and nature?

Over millions of years, our planet has developed a dynamic soil ecosystem. Myriad living organisms contribute to the carbon cycle and maintain soil fertility. But the soil is under threat and needs our support.

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How compost helps your garden soil

Also known as “gardener’s gold,” or “black gold”, compost is best when it comes from your own garden. The rewards of composting include healthy, nutrient-rich soil. Martina Kolarek, a biochemist and hot compost specialist, provides expert advice.

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What we need to know about the soil condition

Soil is the foundation of agriculture. Agronomist, farm educator and soil expert Dr. Ulrich Hampl explains how the tiniest creatures play a role in soil health and how even the untrained eye can recognize healthy, humus-rich soil.

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Family-Friendly Biodynamics

How to Make Leaf Mould

Make healing soil at home from fallen leaves.

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Winter gardening ideas with kids

Fun ideas to get you into your garden during the cold winter.

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Get in the the garden in Spring

Find out how you can protect the soil in Spring.

Learn more

Summer gardening ideas

What you can do in the garden when it’s hot.

Learn more

Want to get involved? Follow #SaveEarthsSkin on Instagram to learn how you can help protect soil.

Sustainable Beauty Award 2022

Weleda was presented with a Sustainable Beauty Award 2022 for Sustainable Pioneer having won over the jury with the Save Earth’s Skin initiative

“Weleda deserves the Sustainability Pioneer Award for highlighting the importance of soil health via its Save Earth’s Skin campaign. By making the connection between soil and the health of our planet, Weleda is helping to reverse decades of soil erosion.” - Amarjit Sahota, chair of the Sustainable Beauty Award jury