Sustainability in New Zealand

As a purpose-driven company, sustainability and ESG principles are fundamental to us. We are striving to be better corporate citizens for our country, our customers and our own people.

Key Projects

We are proud to have recently achieved the following in New Zealand:

  • B Corp Certification

  • 100% Renewable Electricity for our Head office operations

  • 90% of Weleda product packaging is kerbside recyclable in New Zealand*

  • Soft Plastic Recycling Scheme for our staff in Head Office

  • Average staff retention rate of 8.5 years

  • Biodynamic Production Garden

  • Fundraising for people & planet


At Weleda, our goal is to reduce the impact of our product packaging on the planet as much as possible.

We've advanced by adopting packaging that's more reusable, recyclable, and incorporates more Post Consumer Recycled (PCR) or Post Industrial Recycled (PIR) content.

We’re proud to say that 90% of the packaging of our Weleda-branded product range is now kerbside recyclable, including glass, aluminium, and plastics #1, #2 and #5 (*excluding lids, which aren't kerbside recyclable in New Zealand).

An ever-decreasing small percentage of our product packaging is not kerbside recyclable, such as mixed plastic tubes or plastic closures with any metal components (such as a spring in a pump or nozzle). To help reduce this entering landfill, we now offer a FREE packaging returns scheme with TerraCycle® NZ, via their Beauty Zero Waste Box™.

Find out more information HERE, including how you can send hard-to-recycle packaging and closures back to Weleda FREE of charge and we’ll recycle it for you!

We're enthusiastic about the upcoming years as we strive to replace any remaining hard-to-recycle plastics with recycled aluminum or recyclable plastic, further increasing our recyclability rates.


As a business based in natural solutions, we strongly believe in doing good for our planet, as well as for your body, and we have certifications to back this up.

To understand what each of our product certifications and labels mean, click HERE to learn more.

Unfolding health and beauty in harmony with nature and the human being.
Weleda's purpose

Carbon Measurement

We consistently monitor our progress for improvement

by measuring our carbon footprint annually and submitting this, along with other Weleda regions, to the Weleda Head Office in Switzerland. Previously, we conducted bi-annual carbon measurements through external auditors EKOS.

Annually we review our previous year’s results and plan how we can make further improvements.


We are serious about minimising our business waste or making it more circular.

Waste-to-landfill reduction initiatives we have launched since 2020:

  • Full recycling offered for all staff and Head Office waste (paper / glass / cans / #1, #2, #5’s plastics, soft plastics, food waste for local chickens, and lastly general waste).
  • Regularly educating staff on recycling updates and offerings.
  • We cover the recycling costs for any product packaging returned by customers that isn't accepted by New Zealand's new nationwide kerbside recycling program, via TerraCycle® Beauty Zero Waste Boxes™.
  • Recycling our inbound commercial soft plastics packaging (318kgs in 2024).
  • Inbound carboard boxes are shredded and reused as outbound parcel infill (rather than using plastic) to protect our products sent to customers. We also recycle waste cardboard from our surrounding commercial neighbours for this purpose!
  • Inbound pallets are recycled or given away to upcycle into other products.
  • We source our milk in swap-a-crate glass bottles from Hohepa, a local centre for those with disabilities, thereby eliminating plastic milk bottles and supporting our community in the process.
  • We pay to recycle the plastic backing from all the labels we use for our products, couriers and marketing, through one of our label suppliers, Label & Litho.
  • We offer a soft plastics, caps and lids recycling scheme, for our Head Office staff to bring in their soft plastics from home. This initiative makes it easier for them to recycle their personal soft plastics, caps and lids from home, thereby widening our recycling efforts and extending the education beyond our business.

Upcoming projects include increasing our courrier packaging to 100% recyclability.

Before launching a new recycling program, we do due diligence to ascertain the end point of the recycling once it leaves our premises, ensuring it undergoes genuine recycling in a beneficial manner. If we cannot obtain a clear answer, we won’t proceed. We don’t want any greenwashing here!

Our People

Our people and their wellbeing are core to our business, and we do what we can to make working at Weleda a great part of their day. Our outstanding staff retention rates of 8.5 years demonstrates this.

Some ways we bring good balance to working at Weleda:

  • Flexible working hours.
  • We appreciate the need for work / life flexibility, with 92% of our staff working part-time.
  • Working From Home Policy, for staff not working in roles based purely onsite
  • Staff annual Weleda product allowances (so staff can nourish their bodies too!)
  • Stunning location to work
  • We offer Southern Cross Health Insurance to staff working 20hrs + a week, plus Southern Cross’s Being Well Program is offered to all staff for their health & wellbeing
  • We boast strong staff diversity rates;
    • Our Senior Management are a 50/50 split male & female
    • We boast beautiful cultural diversity, with 14 ethnicities represented
    • NZ staff: 32% are male, 66% are female, 2% non-binary / prefer not to say

We take pride in involving our staff in the sustainability journey through consistent communication and training sessions, ensuring continuous improvement.

Weleda NZ Gardens

We have a biodynamic production garden at our Havelock North site, which grows the plants which go into our NZ made remedies.

According to biodynamic principles, no synthetic chemicals are used in our garden and all outputs are recycled through our composting system and put straight back into the gardens. A fully cyclical process, just as nature intended it!

Find out more about our gardens, gardeners and tincture production HERE.

The biodiversity here is vast, with many varieties of trees, shrubs, birds, insects, a pond and our show garden, which you are welcome to wander around and see which plants go into which of your products. Discover all about our Visitor Garden HERE.

Fundraising for People & Planet

Part of our DNA is to give back to our community and help drive change for good that aligns with our mission to ‘act in harmony with nature and the human being’. Discover our community initiatives HERE.